Channel Donations & Maker to Maker Sticker Swaping

Sticker Pack No. 1

Available Now

Easy Donations to the YouTube Channel

I’ve been thinking about how people can donate to my YouTube Channel as a one-off donation rather than signing-up to Patreon or other services such as A donation on its own is all very well but that seems a little cold and I’d like to provide some sort of reward for their generosity.

So I’ve created the first of a series of sticker packs which are now available for sale in my merchandise store here on the website. For £5.00 you’ll get 3 stickers all designed by myself and minus postage and fees the channel benefits by a least £4.00 regardless of where you are in the world.

Generous donations have already enabled me to upgrade my camera last November and all future proceeds are invested in improving the quality of the videos and on build projects.

Check them out now

Are you a fellow YouTube Maker

Sticker swaps are an excellent way of promoting your YouTube channel and they’re almost the ‘currency’ of the maker community. If you want to swap stickers with me the the simplest and easiest way to do that is to add the sticker pack to the cart and then use the Discount Code: MAKER2MAKER to get the stickers for free.

I will expect to receive your stickers by return of post. The email confirmation you get will include may address details when you place your order. All I ask is that you let me know your channel name and channel URL when you add the pack to the cart.

I still don’t feel that blog videos or channel update videos work all that well for me and, to be honest, I feel quite self-conscious just talking to the camera. However I have some ideas about how I can incorporate the stickers you send me into my videos and when I feature them I’ll give your channel a credit in the video description.

Anyway, there you have it. Two options one Sticker Pack. When supplies run low I’ll order Sticker Pack Number 2 and you’ll have the chance to donate again. Many thanks,

Karl Pountney
Maker of Things